A Vision of Hope, A Plan of Action
The multifold mission of SIFLAJ is to
implement the comprehensive plan for the advancement of humankind
outlined in SearingTruth’s seminal speech
A Future of the Brave
Our mission encompasses a broad range of political, social, and technological goals.
SIFLAJ believes in humanity, and recognizes that when
presented with a clear choice between good and evil, history
time and time again reflects that humanity will choose good.
Therefore SIFLAJ will present and clarify the critical choices
we face as a species, and advance bold and visionary solutions
that assure not only our continued survival, but also an ever
increasing quality of life for all of our worlds people.
Our most immediate goal is ending America’s first dictatorship
and restoring its Constitutional form of government, accompanied
by the subsequent revival of America as an entity for the advancement
of human rights and freedom. Thanks to the millions of
loyal patriots who voted on November 7th, 2006 hopeful
progress is being made towards this objective. However, our primary mission is the
global reorganization and redirection of our species resources and
efforts towards positive life enhancing projects and research.
Our goals are ambitious and unprecedented in magnitude and scope,
but humanity is not only up to the challenge, humanity is crying out,
and dying, for it.
So please join us. We have the vision, the plan, and the passion
to make this world a much better place. The only thing missing is you.
No matter what your nationality or personal beliefs SIFLAJ cares
about you, and asks only that you help us to help you, and all those
you love and care for. Joining the SIFLAJ community costs nothing,
and yet provides you with an amazing and immediately tangible new hope
for the future. The only thing necessary for the materialization of our
bold new future is for the many to believe in its possibility, and
support its realization.
As SearingTruth has said:
"One of the greatest tragedies of our existence is that we are a
people united by so many common goals, but divided by so many uncommon beliefs.
I believe that our goals are more important. We all want to be free.
We all want our children to be healthy and happy. Most all of us want
peace so long as our own rights are protected.
These are the ideals that we can all strive for together. These are the
threads of humanity that cannot be torn apart."
We hope that you will join us in shaping a brave and bold new future for all humankind.