
Community Books

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Initially contributed by: SearingTruth.
This book is for short thoughts and quotes on freedom, philosophy, justice, and all things good. It contains entries from historical figures and individual citizens of the world, and there are many more sections and thoughts to be added. Noticeably absent are quotes from philosophers, religious figures, and other well known believers in our common good. And of course it needs many more thoughts from the those who matter most, citizens like you. So get out your writing pen, or keyboard, history books, or whatever, and start sharing your own thoughts on wisdom, warning, and tyranny.
What Are Community Books?
Community Books offer Citizens of the Earth an opportunity to collectively and cooperatively author works that reflect the common nature and experience of our diverse global society. Thoughts, attitudes, hopes, frustrations, problems, and most importantly solutions are articulated and documented in these works for the consumption of a humanity most desperate for, and deserving of, hope and guidance.
There are literally thousands of community books that, if written many generations ago, would certainly have led us to a much more harmonious, peaceful, and profitable age today. So let's start creating them now, and let the gift of that better age be ours to the many generations that will follow.
How Can I Contribute Content and Ideas?
Suggestions, submissions, and discussions of community books occur in the Community Books Forums . The books are published in this section, and selected excerpts appear via automated browsers on the SIFLAJ home page. The only requirement for community book content is that it forward the goals and adhere to the principals outlined in our mission statement.
Of course, authoring these works, despite the magnanimous intentions of all, may at times be contentious and require the forthright and uncloaked exposure and exploration of deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge. However, if consistently viewed through the perspective, and given the overwhelming weight, of humanities common goals and desires we will find that no problem is insurmountable.
Legal Information
While SIFLAJ facilitates the creation and publication of Community Books, the ownership of any contributed content remains with the contributor. If contributors wish to include copyright or other notices of ownership with their material it will be incorporated into the legal notices of relevant books. However, by contributing material the owner agrees and consents to allow SIFLAJ to incorporate the material into the requested Community Book, and display and discuss the contributed material on the SIFLAJ website. In addition, the contributor agrees and consents to the terms presented in the standard SIFLAJ Community Book copyright notice as follows:
This is a SIFLAJ Community Book with content contributed by multiple sources. All contributed content is owned by its respective contributor. All other content is Copyright © 1971 The SearingTruth Institute for Liberty and Justice. SIFLAJ and contributed content may be copied and distributed for non-profit use only so long as the appropriate contributor is credited and the content is presented in its original unedited form. Any other use, or replication or distribution of any content for profit, without the written consent of SIFLAJ and/or the relevant contributor(s) is a violation of United States copyright law.
Technical Information
To assist in the maintenance, accessibility, and publication of both print and online media the SIFLAJ LightYear Designs division has developed software that automatically converts Microsoft Word documents into paginated and scalable HTML documents suitable for presentation on this web site. Therefore it's easiest if initial documents are submitted in Word format. However, SIFLAJ will always endeavor to facilitate the publishing of material no matter what the format, and may develop other automated tools in the future if necessary.
And there is more to come. We are working on other features that will also allow citizens to present their contributions in audio and video formats.

All pages Copyright © SIFLAJ 1971